The Regulation Panel:
- Stephen Dnes (Surrey University)
The Economic Panel:
The Data Panel:
- Beatriz Botero Arcila (SciencePo)
- Christopher Yoo (Penn University)
- Orly Lobel (San Diego University)
- Robert Mahari (MIT)
The Competition Panel
The Research Group “Digital Economy, Internet Ecosystem & Internet Policy” @Weizenbaum Institute and the Amsterdam Law & Technology Institute have co-organized a conference on the “Dynamics of Generative AI” that was held on 22 March 2024 in Berlin in the ChangeHub.
Scholars from different fields – lawyers, economists, computer scientists, and social scientists – came together at the Weizenbaum Institute to gather their knowledge around a central question: what will define the future of AI ecosystems?
The conference was conducted under the scientific direction of Thibault Schrepel (ALTI) and Volker Stocker(Head of the Weizenbaum Research Group Digital Economy, Internet Ecosystem, and Internet Policy).
The event followed the publication of dedicated articles in the Network Law Review (edited by Thibault Schrepel and Volker Stocker). The various contributions deal with questions ranging from the dynamics of infrastructure necessary for generative AI, the role of intellectual property, aspects of competition and innovation, to market power and regulation. The collection of these papers can be found here: https://www.networklawreview.org/category/ai-dynamics/
The Regulation Panel #1
Anouk van der Veer (EUI), Michal Shur-Ofry (Hebrew University), Stephen Dnes (Surrey University)
The Economic Panel #2
Elzbieta Glowicka (E.CA), Jason Potts (RMIT University), Paul Seabright (TSE), William Lehr (MIT)
The Data Panel #3
Beatriz Botero Arcila (SciencePo), Christopher Yoo (Penn University), Orly Lobel (San Diego University), Robert Mahari (MIT)
The Competition Panel #4
Flavio Calvino (OECD), David Lawrence (US DOJ), Michal Gal (Haifa University)
The organizers would like to thank the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Change Hub, the Berlin Senate Department for Science, Health and Care, and e.ca economics for their sponsorship.