About US


Platforms, Markets, and the Digital Society

by the Weizenbaum Institute's research group "Digital Economy, Internet Ecosystem, and Internet Policy"
(before September 2022: “Work and Cooperation in the Sharing Economy”)

Team photo

We are one of 16 research groups at the Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society (Berlin), with our main interest lying in (interdisciplinary) research on the digital economy, platforms, and the Internet ecosystem. Find out more about our research here.

With the PLAMADISO Talk format, we aimed to establish an open and accessible platform for researchers across fields (e.g., economics, computer science, law, engineering) and disciplinary boundaries to present and discuss their work. It is further intended to facilitate exchange between the academic world, private and public decision-makers, and the interested public.

You can find all past and upcoming events on the events page and recordings of past events on our YouTube channel.

Always stay up-to-date by following us on X and subscribing to our Newsletter (coming soon) – enjoy!

Our Team