Symposium on the Web and Internet Policy​

9 Dec 2020

The symposium

On 9 December, it was our pleasure to host a one-day symposium that was jointly organized by Dr. Volker Stocker (Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society) and Prof. Georgios Smaragdakis (TU Berlin & Max Planck Institute for Informatics). The ‘Symposium on the Web and Internet Policy’ took place online on December 09, 2020 (2.00 pm to 6.30 pm Berlin time).

The symposium provided a novel venue for researchers across fields (e.g., economics, computer science, law, engineering) to present their work on aspects such as ‘Privacy and Discrimination on the Web’ (Session I) as well as ‘Challenges and Regulation in the Internet’ (Session II)


Including the event recordings

2.00pm - 2.20pm

Welcome and Check-in​

2.20pm - 3.50pm

Session I: Privacy and Discrimination in the Web

Nikolaos Laoutaris

IMDEA Networks Institute
“From Privacy & Transparency to (Human Centric) Data Economics”​

Lilian Edwards

Newcastle University
“Developing privacy and discrimation safeguards in emergency COVID-19 tech: from contact tracing apps to vaccination passports”​

Krishna Gummadi

Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, Saarbrücken
“Privacy and Fairness of Online Targeted Advertising”​

3.50pm – 4.10pm

Virtual Coffee Break

4.10pm – 6.00pm

Session II: Challenges and Regulation in the Internet

William Lehr


“Internet, Broadband, and Spectrum Policy – Separating the Challenges”

David Clark


“Forces that shape the future of the Internet: The inevitable role of government”

J. Scott Marcus


“Promoting the European Data Economy”

Christopher S. Yoo

University of Pennsylvania

“Understanding the Lessons from the Pandemic: Separating the Wheat from the Chaff”

6.00pm – 6.30pm

Concluding Remarks
