Affiliated Researcher

Nadine Schawe studied law at the LMU Munich and the UNSW in Sydney and finished her legal clerkship at the Higher Regional Court of Munich. She then completed her LL.M. (Masters of Law) in “Intellectual Property Rights and Media Law” at the HU Berlin.

Prior to her time at the Weizenbaum Institute, she worked for several years as a lawyer in the fields of IT law, intellectual property law and corporate law.

Fields of Research

Homesharing, Regulation, Data, Intellectual Property, Competition.


Organisation:      Humboldt Universität zu Berlin [HU]


Schawe, N. (2019). Blockchain und Smart Contracts in der Kreativwirtschaft – mehr Probleme als Lösungen? Multimedia und Recht (MMR) 2019, pp. 218 ff.

Schawe, N. (2020). Daten in der Sharing Economy – Zeit für ein Datenzugangsregime? Tagungsband zur 21. DRSI-Herbstakademie (DSRITB) 2020.

Schawe, N. (2020). It’s all about data: Time for a data access regime for the sharing economy? Information Polity 2020, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 177-195.